Friday, December 12, 2008

Tristen Shane 13 yrs

My big teenager Tristen. Oh the misery of a beloved teenager! LOL! For the most part, if I forget the smart mouth (or should I say dumb mouth) and the constant cell phone action, he would be a perfect child! Tristen loves hockey and soccer. He is great at both like his little brother. He is loving Jr. High (personally I think because of the girls but he will not admit that). Tristen has been a joy in my life for 13 yrs and still is. I could go on and on about Tristen like the others but I already know I have said to much, according to him, and will pay for it dearly! LOL! Tristen believes that I am the most embarrassing person in the world. I would argue with him but I do so love proclaiming my undying love to him as loud as possible every time I drop him off at school! Ahhh, a mothers rights!

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